Do you anticipate to roll out any further merchandise in 2022?

At Titan, we proceed To Think about product enhancement and innovation for our current product strains and new merchandise To fulfill market calls for. We proceed to fill out our current, Hottest strains, Similar to a Outcome of the AgraEDGE and Optitorque, Inside the ag sector. We Can furtherly have some new know-how to announce On the upcoming commerce reveals this summer time.

We May even be growing our OTR offering this yr with tires particular to forestry, metallic mill and port purposes.

What know-how Shall be a recreation-changer Inside the tire market?

We’re getting ready to dehowever A completely new tire know-how this summer time Which will create a common reply for sprayer tire replacements. This know-how can match the presconstructive of typical, IF or VF tires — no matter meets The wants of the machine or buyer. We Might have extra particulars to share Inside The approaching weeks.

What are some methods Titan addresses sustainability?

Defending the environment is a core worth at Titan. As An factor of this dedication, Titan has Environmental Administration Methods in place in Lots of our places throughout the globe. These systems monitor and monitor power consumption, waste management, air pollution prevention, emissions management and general environmental well being all by way of our footprint, which permits us to meaconstructive and regularly enhance environmental efficiency.

Environmental and social positive elements can Transcend tire manufacturing as properly. One event is our LSW tires, wright here the meeting Consists of a smaller tire sidewall And greater wheel. LSW significantly reduces power hop, road lope and soil compaction, …….
